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"earthseed by jéhan"

earthseed is where I, Jéhan, use theatre in wild spaces to decolonize those spaces and the bodies that pass through them.  In the Beforetimes, I vended at pop-up mercados as a way to spread the word about earthseed's programs and other offerings. At the time we had an in-school residency program, a youth employment program, facilitated professional development workshops locally to Seattle, the Greater Pacific Northwest and nationally.  

Post 2020-I don't know what to call this era yet because we're definitely not "post pandemic"- I had to rethink my place in this world. Was I going to keep running the company? Would I look for work elsewhere? Would I change what earthseed means and meant? I did all of the above.  I'll write more about some of it here, but this page exists to tell you what earthseed x jéhan is and how we'll show up in the world.  

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